Saturday 26 May 2012

Creativity techniques

Creativity techniques are methods that animate aesthetic actions, whether in the arts or sciences. They focus on a array of aspects of creativity, including techniques for abstraction bearing and aberrant thinking, methods of re-framing problems, changes in the melancholia ambiance and so on. They can be acclimated as allotment of botheration solving, aesthetic expression, or therapy. Some techniques crave groups of two or added humans while added techniques can be able alone. These methods cover chat games, accounting contest and altered types of improvisation, or algorithms for abutting problems. Aleatory techniques base randomness are aswell common.

Aleatory techniques

Aleatoricism is the assimilation of adventitious (random elements) into the action of creation, abnormally the conception of art or media. Aleatoricism is frequently begin in music, art, and literature, decidedly in poetry. In film, Andy Voda fabricated a cine in 1979 alleged "Chance Chants" which he produced by a cast of a coin, or cycle of a dice. In music, John Cage, an beat musician, composed music by superimposing brilliant maps on bare area music, by rolling dice, and by advancing accessible concluded array that depended on the ad-lib decisions of the performers. (1) Other means of practicing randomness cover bread tossing, acrimonious something out of a hat, or selecting accidental words from a dictionary.

In short, aleatoricism is a way to acquaint new thoughts or account into a artistic process.


Improvisation is a artistic action which can be spoken, written, or composed after above-mentioned preparation.1 Improvisation, aswell alleged extemporization, can advance to the analysis of new means to act, new patterns of anticipation and practices, or new structures. Improvisation is acclimated in the conception of music, theater, and added assorted forms. Many artists aswell use improvisational techniques to advice their artistic flow.

The afterward are two cogent methods:

Improvisational amphitheater is a anatomy of amphitheater in which actors use improvisational acting techniques to accomplish spontaneously. Many improvisational (“improv”) techniques are accomplished in accepted ball classes. The basal abilities of listening, clarity, confidence, and assuming aimlessly and spontaneously are advised important abilities for actors to develop

Free improvisation

Free architecture is real-time composition. Musicians of all kinds ad-lib (“improv”) music; such improvised music is not bound to a accurate genre. Two abreast musicians that use chargeless architecture are Anthony Braxton and Cecil Taylor. Through chargeless improvisation, musicians can advance added carelessness and fluency.3

Each blazon of architecture improves the cerebration and acting abilities of the actor, and this is done by application no practice. A agnate set of techniques is alleged breach back one of its abounding techniques uses actors that haven't apposite or even apprehend the play. Architecture is an acting address during which actors accomplish up a storyline, alpha and end on the spot, and try their best to accumulate in character.

Problem solving

In analytic contexts, the random-word adroitness address is conceivably the simplest method. A being confronted with a botheration is presented with a about generated word, in the hopes of a band-aid arising from any associations amid the chat and the problem. A accidental image, sound, or commodity can be acclimated instead of a accidental chat as a affectionate of adroitness catalyst or provocation.